Update: August 29th, 2022 – A few mishaps have pushed the launch date back to September 2nd. NASA Artemis mission manager Mike Sarafin explained that engine 3 did not cool down enough to the necessary point for ignition. In addition, there were other issues this morning at Kennedy Space Center. There was a delay in tanking – filling the rocket with liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. Luckily, this means there is still time to catch the launch if you weren’t watching this morning!
Update August 22, 2022 : NASA has cleared Artemis 1 for launch on August 29, 2022. The rocket will launch within a two-hour window starting at 8:33 am EDT. Launching from pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
NASA is advancing human exploration of deep space with the launch of Artemis I, and it hopes to begin with the Artemis I launch in late August of 2022.
According to the mission manager, Mike Sarafin, Artemis will do what hasn’t been done and learn what isn’t known.
“It will blaze a trail that people will follow on the next Orion flight, pushing the edges of the envelope to prepare for that mission,” he said on the mission website.
At Engineering for Kids, we love to get kids excited about science, technology, and engineering. So, our team will be watching the Artemis I rocket launch closely.
What is Artemis I?
Artemis I is essentially a spacecraft designed to hold a human crew. It’s mission is to fly farther than any other spacecraft built for humans. The flight will take place at Launch Pad 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
What will Artemis I do?
Artemis I will start a series of missions to the moon and mars. Essentially, this first flight will not have a crew but will act as a test, expanding human investigation and reaching beyond our own planet. Overall, Aremis I will pave the way for human exploration of deep space.
Launching from the most powerful rocket in the world, Artemis I will travel 280,000 miles over a four to six-week period. That is further than any other crew-designed spacecraft. In addition, it will aim to stay in space longer than other crafts have without docking to a space station.
Artemis I launch date rehearsal
In preparation for the flight, the team held a final test at the launch pad at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida over the June 18-20 weekend. The goal was to ensure the team is ready for different scenarios come launch day.
During this rehearsal, the team ran through all the maneuvers for the actual Artemis I launch date. This included loading fuel in the Artemis rocket tanks, doing a launch countdown and draining the tanks.
It was a two-day procedure and is vital to ensuring that all goes well on launch day. During the testing, launch controllers counted down to just before the engines were to ignite. Then, the clock was then turned back to the T-10 point so the team could practice again. However, this second time they practice procedures for a scrub. That’s when they decide not to launch the rocket. This can happen for a number of reasons, including technical issues or weather troubles.
After NASA has reviewed the results from all of the exercises, they set a specific launch date.
NASA SLS Rocket Delays
The Space Launch System rocket or NASA SLS is essential to the Artemis I flight. However, many factors will go into the decision for a launch. One of those includes the alignment of the Earth and moon.
NASA engineers carefully consider all the factors needed to accomplish the flight, and from there, they work out a schedule. But finding a list of dates are days and times that meet all the criteria can be a complicated process.
The flight can only be successful if it takes place during a period where the Earth and moon are in alignment. So, the team must work out calculations and predictions about where each planet is while the Earth is rotating on its axis, and the moon orbits the Earth. Essentially, it results in at wo-week period during the lunar cycle that is optimal for a launch.
Further, the NASAS SLS rocket needs to go through a series of rehearsals to prepare for launch day. Unfortunately, the Artemis I rocket testing experienced delays in April. This then pushed back the entire launch schedule. Before the delays, the team was hoping for a June launch.
Artemis I launch opportunities
NASA has announced a window of opportunity for launch beginning August 23rd. The latest launch possibilities are as follows:
August 23 6:26 am EDT (11:26 UTC) 42 minutes
August 24 6:40 am EDT (11:40 UTC) 65 minutes
August 25 7:05 am EDT (12:05 UTC) 120 minutes
August 26 7:13 am EDT (12:13 UTC) 120 minutes
August 27 7:27 am EDT (12:27 UTC) 120 minutes
August 28 7:51 am EDT (12:51 UTC) 120 minutes
August 29 8:33 am EDT (13:33 UTC) 120 minutes
September 2 12:48 pm EDT (17:48 UTC) 120 minutes
September 3 2:17 pm EDT (19:17 UTC) 120 minutes
September 4 3:44 pm EDT (18:44 UTC) 120 minutes
September 5 5:12 pm EDT (22:12 UTC) 90 minutes
September 6 6:57 pm EDT (23:57 UTC) 24 minutes
How Engineering for Kids is Preparing
In addition to following Artemis I, we’re currently running a Mission to Mars camp for NASA enthusiasts. And, this program will tie in with this exciting time in history. Our Mission to Mars programs offer kids a chance to explore STEM with real world applications! Some of the exciting programs available in Mission to Mars include –
Mechanical engineering
In this program, students will discover how mechanical engineering plays into space discovery. Here, we’ll take a deep look into the mission and mechanics of the Mars Rovers. We also examine how these machines safely land and explore the red planet.
Aerospace engineering
Children who sign up for the aerospace engineering program will gain a deeper understanding of different orbiters and landers. We’ll also look at the technology and innovation enabling humans to explore planets.
Multidisciplinary engineering
Allow your child to learn more about the tech tools needed to allow people to live on mars someday. In our multidisciplinary engineering camp, we’ll first look at the Artemis I mission and how it fits into space exploration. Next, students will have the opportunity to develop their skills by designing and building a prototype of their own mars base.
Minecraft technology
In the Minecraft program, Students work in teams in a Minecraft simulation world. There, they must complete challenging tasks that ensure everyone in their space crew survives. Overall, this program will expand your child’s creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.
This summer camp is a must for students who love robots and want to learn more about building and programming robots. In this program, children will use Lego SPIKE to test their programming skills and see if they can get their robots to complete space missions.
STEM Programs at EFK
STEM careers pave the way for space exploration. And we offer hands-on STEM programs year round to engage and inspire young minds. In order to help you find the best activity for your child’s interest, Engineering for Kids runs several different STEM programs, including –
Interactive Engineering
Using the Engineering Design Process, children discover why and how things work. What’s more, we offer several different engineering programs for young engineers. They will gain inspiration and confidence while having fun! Programs offered include Aerospace, Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Forensics, Industrial, Marine, Mechanical, and Mechatronics.
What better way to learn STEM than getting hands-on with robotics! In our robotics programs, kids learn how robots can help us solve problems. Plus, kids get the opportunity to build and program their own robot! Then, use the robots to uncover buried treasure in the sea, help the environment by recycling, or explore Mars.
Technology and Coding
For the technology and coding enthusiasts, Engineering for Kids has plenty to offer! In our tech and coding programs, kids explore the latest applications of computer science. Including videogame design, 3-D printing, CAD modeling, game based coding, Esports, and more.
Minecraft programs offer the perfect opportunity to explore STEM concepts. By using the buildable world of Minecraft, kids learn how to design, build, and gather resources. Our programs also use this tool to teach kids about the Engineering Design Process, using teamwork, and creativity.
Engineering for Kids’ programs introduce your child to the exciting world of STEM while they have fun. Get started by finding one of our locations near you. Let’s inspire the next generation of Engineers!