

Our Learning Center Location:

Engineering For Kids of Azerbaijan

Areas We Serve:
Globus Center - Yasamal District, CR.
Djafar Djabbarly Str. 609 11th Floor
AZ1065 Baku Azerbaijan
(In front of Caspian Plaza)

Engineering For Kids

After School Engineering Classes, Camps, Parties & More

Schools may cover the basics of science and math, but they rarely provide children with an opportunity to learn more about the practical side of these areas. Engineering For Kids inspires children to see STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) in a whole new light through interesting, hands-on activities. We show kids the kind of things they can do with an engineering degree, instilling a passion for one of the most promising career fields in the world.

Engineers revolutionize technology and develop civilization. There is a shortage of engineers in the world today because too few children have the opportunity to explore the practical side of STEM. We’re looking to change that and inspire a new generation of engineers.

Want to sign your child up for after-school classes or a camp curriculum? Call us at 994 50 444 25 25 today.

Contact Engineering For Kids
Have Questions?

Contact Engineering For Kids

    Globus Center.

    Yasamal district, cr. Djafar Djabbarly str.

    609 (In front of Caspian Plasa), 11th floor,

    AZ1065 Baku Azerbaijan