

Our Learning Center Location:

Engineering For Kids of Indonesia

Areas We Serve:
Jl Boulevard Timur Raya Blok ND-1 No 30, RT/RW 8/12, Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, 14250
Branch: Kelapa Gading, Kepri, Permata Hijau, PIK, Sunter, Gading Serpong, Palembang (opening soon)

Engineering For Kids

Building a Passion For Engineering

Children are very imaginative, but that does not mean they can see all of life’s possibilities without help. School may teach kids about science and math, but very few give them a hands-on experience with the practical sides of these fields. At Engineering For Kids, we challenge both the logical and creative aspects of a child’s minds through hands-on engineering activities. Our students learn that there’s more to science than sitting at a desk and working on equations—this is an industry that builds and revolutionizes society.

Engineering is a rapidly growing industry where demand is higher than supply. Our children hold the key to advancing society to its next stage. We’re here to ignite their passion in the creative sciences.

Classes, camps, and events are available for children ages 4 to 14. Call 021-24520462 or +62 888 08108095 (whatspp available) and tell us more about what your child might be interested in!

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