Virtual Programs

Virtual Programs

Virtual Camps and Classes

Engineering for Kids of Nashville

Now offering virtual programs, including:

See the details below for more information!

Fall Virtual Programs | 2021



Virtual App Development

  • Ages 7-14 – 4:00PM – 5:30PM
  • Nov.16th, Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th, Dec. 14th
  • $85.00 per student

App development has increased manifold in the past 5 years due to lower costs and easier access to essential tools, so give your engineer the knowledge to stay ahead in today’s technological society. We’re offering a unique experience in which students get to code, test, and create their own apps in real-time using an easy-to-understand format. The best part about this program is that they’ll be able to save their created apps right to their (or your own) devices for play anywhere, anytime!

Register Here


Virtual Scratch Program

  • Ages 7-14 – 4:00PM – 5:30PM
  • Nov. 18th, Dec.2nd, Dec. 9th, Dec. 16th
  • $85.00 per student

What’s more fun than playing an interactive video game? Writing one! Video sensing allows students to design and program their own video games and then test them by interacting with the program via webcam. In this Scratch program, students work together to create their own games, art, and musical instruments while exploring coding foundations. Get up and get moving with Engineering for Kids and Scratch: Video Sensing!.

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Out of This World Reviews

Sang K.

It's like a playground for their mind!

Jo P.

It's fun and educational, it provides opportunities to kids and teaches them about life.

Kyleigh T.

Engineering For Kids classes are so fun and you get to learn new things about engineering each day.

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